Monday, December 3, 2007


Gah!! I'm so tired of my internet connection. First it's dial-up which is crappy anyways, even with the accelerator, but then I keep getting disconnected! I've called my ISP a million times and they keep giving me different settings to change, though it seems like none of the ppl really have any idea what they are doing, but nothing changes. So today the guy tells me, after changing another setting "well, that's just about all we can do. If it still keeps disconnecting we can't help you" Gee, thanks. It does seem to be a little bit better, instead of getting disconnected every 5 minutes I'm only getting disconnected every 15, but it's still very annoying! Yesterday we discovered that the box outside where the phone line comes in is on the ground, wide open covered in weeds. I'm amazed the phone even works, so I'm thinking (hoping!) that may be the cause of the disconnects. We'll see on Wed when they send someone out to fix it.

This has been a big week for us. On Sat we had a joint birthday party for all 3 kids. Tomorrow my baby will be one year old. Just over a week ago, my little boy turned 3, and before the week is out, my first born will be 5!! How did they all grow up so fast? Asher seems so very 5 to me lately and it's so wonderful to watch him grow up and really get to know him as a person, but sometimes I just want all my babies back! Starting tomorrow, I will no longer have a baby anymore! Just a toddler, a preschooler and a Kindergartener. I don't how that happened.

Speaking of Kindergarten, we're getting ready to order ASher's homeschool stuff and I'm so excited!! Thus far I've jsut been using a hodge-podge of stuff we've been given so this will be my first school order. I think we'll start sometime after the new year. I'm so glad we've waited though and didn't start it in the fall like I first wanted to. He's matured so much since then and I'm sure he'll get more out of now then he would have then. And he's getting so good at reading. He's even started to sound words out in his head, so he can just tell me what they are. Amazing.

I had more I wanted to type up, but I can't really remember it now and I've got a baby crying at me wanting to nurse, again. Such is life as a Mommy!

1 comment:

Natural Mama said...

You sound so happy, Megan!!
What curriculum are you using for Homeschooling? We are going with ABeka (my brother works for them).
Sorry about your connection crisis!!