Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A solution to the toy torture? plus a few other things

Last night DH got home from work and heard, yet again, how horribly pick-up time went and immediatly went into action. He gathered up all their toys, all their books, all their craft stuff, all their costumes, all their everything, and put it all in the extra bedroom, never to be seen again. Well, at least not for a long while. He's seen how how horribly pick-up time goes, he understood perfectly when I tried my newest idea and he too had had enough when I told him they just don't care. So for at least a week, they have no toys or anything. Genesis does have a few, b/c it's not fair to her to not have any toys b/c the boys aren't doing their job, but the boys can't touch them. They will slowly be able to earn a few toys back. DH also decided that we're goign to go through and get rid of a lot of their toys. This is HUGE. I've been telling him for years that they have too many toys, but he never lets me get rid of anything. He usually just keeps bringing home more junk. But he's finally realized that they really do have too much and they obviously don't respect and appreciate what they do have, so we're goign to get rid of at least half. Yay!! I love my hubby. Sometimes it takes him a while, but he eventually gets the point. In fact, as he was telling the kids this morning what's goign to happen, he said somethign about needing to go through all his stuff too b/c he holds on to way more than he needs! We're actually goign to get rid of stuff!! So yay for decluttering!

I think Genesis is teething. She's been major cranky the last few days and keeps wanting to nurse. She hasn't gotten any new teeth in a long time though, so I suppose it's too be expected. She only has 6 teeth after all. She's sleeping for the moment, let's hope it stays that way!

One of my message boards is doing Mei-tai sew-along that I've joined in on. I have one mei-tai I got when Canaan was itty-bitty and just love it. I've been meaning to make another for ever now and with this sew-along I'm actually doing it! So far things are looking really good. DH was even impressed. So far I have all four straps done and the body is pinned together. I'm thinking about putting a pocketon it though, so I need to check out the directions on that before I go any farther. I'm really excited about though. I'd post pics, but my internet is too slow to get anything uploaded, I've tried a million times.

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