Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tax day!

Everybody got their taxes filed? We jsut got ours done this weekend. Actually, they're still not even considered "filed" yet. We have to send in a signed paper, but we're not supposed to send it in until the IRS accepts our 1040, which they haven't done yet. Even though I sent it in on Sat. I'm thinking about mailing it out today anyways, so we don't get penalized for being late! I would have loved to get this done sooner, but DH didn't get one of his W2s and was dragging his feet on getting it. He just finally got it on Friday. It doesn't matter too much though b/c pretty much the whole refund will go to back support he owes. We might get a few hundred dollars. We WILL get all of the rebate this summer though! Yay for htat. We only get $1500 but that's $1500 in free money, so I won't complain :) And actually DH never filed his 2006 taxes (I've been one him about getting me all the W2s for that too!) and we'd probably get a few thousand back even after they take the penalties out. So I REALLY want to file those, but again, DH is dragging his feet and there's really nothing I can do about it.

I think my landlord is going to quit answering the phone when he sees my number, lol. I swear I've had to call him every other week just about since we moved in. This weekend I had to call him b/c the water heater was not working, again. Yeah, 2nd time in 6wks. Fun. So he came over yesterday morning and "fixed" it, telling me to call if it didn't work, or stopped working, etc. I had to call him in the afternoon to tell him it was working, but all the hot water was scalding hot! I can't have scalding hot water coming out of the faucets with little kids around. So he said he'd come by again today and fix that. Then I had to call him *again* in the early evening b/c I had no hot water again. Ugh. So today he's goign to replace it. Good bye hot water woes!

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