Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Visit with the Dentist

Well, after years of putting it off for many reasons, we finally visited the dentist. DH went about 2 months ago b/c he had a wisdom tooth break off, so we made appts for the whole family (minus Genesis) for a time when we knew we'd have a car. We all got cleanings, DH got one cavity filled and Asher got 2 cavities while we were there. I was in the chair when Asher got his cavities filled and DH was with Canaan who was getting a cleaning, so I have no idea how they did it. He didn't seem numb or anything so I wonder if maybe the didn't drill as deep since it was just baby teeth? DH has to go back and get another cavity filled and I've got 2 that need filling. I also have a wisdom tooth that is cracked, but since I'm pg and can't take the good pain killers they don't suggest pulling it until after the baby is born. And then they'll probably want to pull all three! Yikes. But the kids did great and the dentist even complimented us on how well behaved they were and how good they did. The boys did great I hear. In 3 wks (when I'll have another midwife appt) we go back to fill our cavities. Fun times!

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