Thursday, January 22, 2009

1 step forward, 2 steps back

I got laundry caught up, I got dishes caught up and I got the bathroom cleaned! And then I came down with the kids nasty cold/cough. The older 3 have had for about a week now. Really icky noses, horrible sounding cough, that while infrequent, can bring them to the point of throwing up when they do start coughing. Fun stuff. I've been trying to keep them away from the baby, but that's near impossible. Night before last Solomon started coughing, just a few coughs, but I could tell they were sick coughs. Yesterday we both had icky noses and he had more coughs. I haven't coughed yet, but I know it's probably coming. I pray it goes through us quickly. I also started taking garlic today. I cut up a clove into about 8 pieces and swallowed them. Science will tell you you have to chew or mince the garlic first, but I've read many anecdotes that say swallowing whole works too. Now to find a way for the kids to take it...

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