Wednesday, September 17, 2008

One of those days

Ever have one of those days where you just have no patience for your children? How is it that they can sense that and be at their worst when it happens?

The day actually started out really good. I felt productive, got a lot done, including laundry, etc and then by afternoon, I just had no patience. The kids only did half their chores b/c then I sent them out to play, rather than deal with them in an unkind way. I think Genesis is teething, so she was pretty cranky all day and kept screaming, which was probably part of my problem. You can only handle so much of that screech before your nerves are shot. The boys kept bothering her on purpose, making her scream more, making me more irritable. It just was not pretty. So it's now 8pm, the kids have been in bed for half an hour (an hour earlier than normal), Genesis is asleep, I'm considering duct-taping the boys to their beds with their mouths taped shut too and I've exhausted my normal internet sites that I visit. Maybe I'll go to bed early tonight...

1 comment:

Natural Mama said...

Hugs, yes, I've had one of those days! Thankfully they are very rare because kids can so detect when the patience is thin. What I do when I'm ready to scream is I start whispering to them. LOL They look at me kind of weird but comply with my requests. As if, my mom is fixing to go off the deep end so I'd better do what she says. It keeps me from feeling bad about hollering, but I still get the point across. Sorry you've had a bad day!! Tomorrow's a new day and make the best of it. Hugs!