Friday, September 12, 2008

Our interesting bug find

We found one of these beauties in our yard about a week and a half ago. Actually I saw it, quickly put a jar on top of it, called the kids over to look at in, then went in to find a lid for the jar. Thankfully it didn't get out, or get let out while I found a lid. It's known as a velvet ant, and they are huge btw. Our's is probably about 3/4 of an inch long. It's not really an ant, it's actually a flightless wasp. A flightless wasp with a very painful sting. Our species is actually known as a "cow killer" b/c it's sting hurts so bad, you would think it would kill a cow. Ouch!! I've had it in that jar for about a week and half now. The first week it had holes in the lid, then I switched to a hole-less lid, b/c the thing just won't die!! Usually I'm all for catch and release, but i am not letting something with that painful of a sting loose in my yard again. I'm jsut thankful noone got stung in the catching process. Did I mention that it's still alive? It still won't die. Coincidently, we saw another one at a state park yesterday. Btw, if you see one of these with wings, don't worry about it. The winged ones are the males, and htey can't sting. I think I'd kill it anyways, just to prevent procreation, lol.

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