Not much going on here
I know, I haven't been blogging much, this is usually what ends up happening, lol. I blog constantly for a while, then I don't blog as much, then hardly at all, then I feel like there's too much to update...etc etc
Anyways. So not much going on around here. Still waiting for a house, as always, it seems. Money situation not getting any better, in fact, slightly worse b/c they started garnishing DH's paychecks for child support for his daughter in CO. They also served him with papers for child-support for our kids, since I"m on state-aid and he's not in the house. He can request a hearing, so he's hoping to do that and then just keep pushing things off until the kids and I can get there and then say "oh oops, nevermind" We'll be in big big trouble if they start garnishing his paychecks for our kids. It woulnd't matter if they would actually give me the money, but they won't, they'll use to cover our state aid. So yeah, it would not be good at all.
Let's see, what else is there to say? Oh! Asher is reading! He can read 3 letter words now. I'm so excited, I actually taught him how to read! It's been slow, but I knew he could do it! And in the process, Canaan has been picking up some letters and knows what some of them are. Cool! It's so truely amazing to be witnessing my children learning like this. I so look forward to the coming years of homeschooling and all the great things I'll be teaching my children.
Canaan has had a potty regression, so he was back in diapers for a while. I've got him running around naked again and he's averaging about one accident a day, so I'm debating on just continueing naked time or doing diapers again for longer. I guess I"ll see how things go in the coming days. He's also started drawing people, which is exciting. He draws a circle (which he will only classify as the person he's drawing), then gives it arms, draws another circle in the middle of it, for the belly button, then legs. Sometimes they have hair, sometimes eyes or mouths, sometimes not, lol. But they definatly people.
Genesis is getting so big. She's pulling up and cruising around furniture. Loves to play with her big brothers. Is starting to eat more real food, though she still drops more than she gets in her mouth, and spits out more than she swallows, lol. She's a great baby, though she's starting to get a bit of seperation and stranger anxiety. I need to get to KY fast b/c I don't have enough hands for two clingy children! (Canaan is still very weary of strangers)
I think that should about catch you all up :)