Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tomorrow's the day!

Tomorrow we move. I'm excited to get on with this next phase of our lives. We'll spend the summer finishing up the house and then in the fall we figure out what to do with all our apples and whatever else kind of fruit we find. In the winter we start figuring out next year's garden and building the chicken coop. So exciting! I am not, however, looking forward to the next several days. Tomorrow we're starting bright and early at 6:30am, supposedly. First thing, we're all going to the new house, so the men can finish my floors (sigh) and I can start cleaning (double sigh). It should prove to be a long day. And then of course we'll spend the next couple days juggling things around until we find half-way decent places for everything. Though we can't do too much unpacking b/c half the house isn't finished yet. But it will still be an exciting adventure and a great beginning to our new blessings.

Asher is sad to be leaving his friends. He regularly plays with an 8yo boy and 4yo girl that live across the street. He said he wished we could live here forever. I explained to him that we can't, and besides, the neighbors are moving in a month or so anyways, so it wouldn't do any good to live here. But that doesn't take his sadness away. This is the first time he's ever experienced regret at moving. Before he was always excited. But this is also the first he's been old enough and had friends to really get it. But moving on is a part of life unfortunately. I, too, will miss our neighbors and being able to walk up to the store, and to visit friends and family, but I'm much more excited about the life we have ahead of us.

Don't know when I'll be able to post again. Of course we have the busyness that comes with moving. The phone guy should be out on Monday to get us all set up, but then we'll only have dial-up. That may be good for my blogging, perhaps I'll get so fed up trying to do anything else I'll just blog instead to keep my busy, lol, or I may get so frustrated I just about give up on the internet all together (yeah right) or spend all my time waiting for pages to load up that I don't have time to blog. Or maybe, I'll blog while I'm waiting for other pages to load. Only time will tell.

For now, goodbye and pray for us!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Making progress, sort of

We got a bunch of boxes moved today, pretty much everything I've packed so far. For now, we're just putting most of the boxes in the (no where near completed) master bedroom, until we have time later to juggle things around. Things to do before Sunday: fix bathroom floor, install toilet and sink, cover big hole in the kids' bedroom closet, put a floor in the utility room for my washer and dryer, buy a stove, move everything, clean both houses, did I miss anything. Oh, and as of this morning, DH is the only cook at the restaurant, though he's already told his bosses he can only work Friday and Saturday evening, and MUST have the mornings and Sunday off.

YOu've got to be kidding me

On Tuesday we paid the deposit to get water turned on at the new house. We left explicit directions to call before turning on because we just put new plumbing in and didn't know if there were any leaks, etc. We were assured they would call and even if no-one was there, they would keep the water turned off at the meter, just in case. No call on Tues. Wed morning, DH got up early, all ready to put the toilet and sink in. Walked into the house to discover a flooded bathroom, no kidding. The sink, bathroom and shower were all turned on. And remember, the toilet and sink weren't installed yet, so their pipes were just spraying everywhere. After numerous calls to the water company and having fans blowing all day, they will not charge us for the 8000 ( :O) gallons of water used and things dried out fairly well, so it shouldn't be too much work to fix. I think they should pay for what does need fixing, but DH isn't too worried about it. Fun times, hey?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Here we go

We have less than one week to move out of our current house. Before we can live in our new house, we need to finish the bathroom (it's about 3/4 painted, needs the toilet and sink/mirror put in), put a floor down in the utility room so my washer and dryer can be put in and buy a stove. I would prefer we get the joists taken care of under the wall between the 3rd bedroom and the kids bedroom, but I don't think that's going to happen. So we'll probably just put a piece of plywood there for now and call it good. And of course I need to finish packing, which I am working on, but it's slow going with a baby who I think is teething. Slow and steady wins the race, right?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Busy, busy, busy

We've been busy around here. Everyday we get up, eat breakfast, I take a shower (most days), then we head to the new house. DH and I get as much done as we can with a baby who likes to be held, a 2yo who likes to help and a 4 and 6yo who go back and forth between helping and exploring, which means constant checks to be sure they haven't gone too far. By the time we get home and eat lunch, it's 3-3:30. Dh takes a nap with the 2yo, while I sit and catch my breath! At 4:30 Dh is up and getting ready for work. When he leaves it's time to do as much picking up, laundry, dishes and packing as we can in the next 3 hours before the kids start getting ready for bed. They shower, eat and go to bed and then I collapse on the couch for an hour or so until I crawl into bed.

The kids' room is all done, painted and everything, just waiting on laminate. The living room and kitchen need the ceiling and floor painted, then they will be done. Bathroom needs a little more mudding and sanding before we can paint. the shower is in and plumbing hooked up, the sink/vanity is all ready, just waiting to paint first and the toilet is almost ready to put on. We still need some plywood put down where the washer and dryer go, and a wall, and the utility room will be usable. Oh, and now we found out that we need to get the garage, which was used as a barn, cleaned out ASAP so my FIL can stay there. We have just under 2 weeks to get it all done and get moved in. Then we'll worry about the rest of the house ;)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Baby and house updates

The baby is all better. About two days after his rash appeared, it started to disappear. 3 days after that, it was all gone. Still not sure what it was and nobody else has come down with it (though it has a 2wk incubation, so we'll see)

I put together a little slideshow of the house project, though it looks worse then when we started. Today we bought all new bathroom stuff. Fun!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Roseola? Rubella?

Last week Solomon had a low grade fever for two days, no other symptoms. Yesterday he had what looked like a heat rash on his face, then his whole body. Today, all the little bumps are bigger, as in spread out, not taller, and the fever is back. A lot of people said it looks like Roseola, but some said it looks worse than any Roseola they've seen. And Roseola is usually marked by a high-grade fever, not a low grade. So I did some more research and I'm leaning towards Rubella. Rubella is marked with a low-grade fever and starts on the face. The pics of Roseola and Rubella online look a lot alike, but based on symptoms, I'm thinking it's more likely Rubella. Well, if I've got to pick on of the MMR, I'll take Rubella any day! I wonder if the other kids will come down with it... Want some pics?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

House update

Let's see, we ended up not having to get the electricity inspected. It seems the first lady we talked to didn't know what she was talking about. We did however have to pay a ridiculously high deposit. We'll get part of it back after 12 months and the rest back after 18 months (assuming all payments are made on time).

We discovered we need to tear out the entire bathroom because all the walls were full of mold. Reason for mold? The drainage pipes in the sink, bathtub and washer weren't connected and just drained onto the ground under the house. I think we're going to buy one of those one-piece bathtub/shower dealies so we can just put it in without having to worry about caulking, etc. Just much less work. We also need to buy a new toilet because the old one got broke when DH moved it. And we're goign to go ahead and buy a new bathroom sink/cabinet becuase the one that was in there is only 18in wide and there's enough room for a 30in wide one and the $150 is worth it for the counter and cabinet space.

We've accepted that in order to move in by June 1st (so we'll get a month with no rent/payments) we will most likely be moving in with just subfloors. Not a problem, as far as I'm concerned. There's more than enough space that we can shuffle rooms for a bit until it's all ready.

The last couple days I've been going up to the house with the kids and while the men work on fixing floors, pulling out bathrooms, etc, I've been doing little things. The previous owners had an open fire in the fireplace, so the walls are covered in soot. I've been washing that off, though I'm not sure how clean the walls need to be to paint. I also spent a good amount of time removing carpet tack board and padding staples from the living room and kids bedroom. I still need to remove a wallpaper boarder from the living room and we need to buy some spackle, so I can start filling in holes, etc in order to paint. For now we're just going to paint everything off-white and later we will decide on colors. I'm the kind of person that needs to live in a house for a while to see what colors I want. But we're making progress and I'm glad that I'm able to help even though I'm constantly interrupted by the kids.

Packing is going slow. I've had a hard time lately with the baby just keeping up on dishes and laundry, so that doesn't leave much time for packing too. I've only managed to get about a dozen boxes packed, but I'm working on it. We haven't had to leave anything behind yet because of my packing procrastination, and we've made plenty of moves!

I officially graduated Asher from Kindergarten last week. We didn't finish the curriculum we're using, but he knows everything in it so at this point it was just extra practice. Now I'm not stressed everyday when I don't get school done! School things are also on the list of things I can pack now.

Speaking of school, in the family room, which we'll be using as a dining room, we're going to have two walls covered in shower board. It works just like whiteboard and isn't too much more than drywall. My sewing desk will also be in that room, so I'm excited about that.

I think that's about it for now. I would post some 'during' pics, but they're pretty scary at this point, what with walls and floors tore out and a bathtub sitting in the master bedroom, etc. Maybe you can see the 'during' pics when I put up the 'after's , lol.