Saturday, March 28, 2009

Some people

After church today we stopped at McD's for lunch and while in there we overheard an interesting conversation between some partons and an employee. The patrons were black and complaining quite loudly that there was something wrong with this town because there wasnt a single black person working there. The employee responded that there was a black person, he was in the back, so then the patron started to go on about how unfair it was that the poor guy was washing dishes, etc etc and how he's from North Carolina and people there don't care about color. Then he asked the employee what he thought of Obama, to which the employee responded he didn't much care for him or his politics and so the patron went on and on about how hate is wrong and there's no reason to hate Obama, etc. Hello? The employee never said he hated Obama and the patron was making the whole town out to be racist throughout the conversation when there was no reason for it. There simply aren't a lot of black people, or any other minorities for that matter, around here. You can just tell that he came here to "redneck Kentucky" expecting us all to be a bunch of KKK members or some such nonsense. If it had gone on any longer I would have stepped in to defend the poor employee, but luckily the patrons left in disgust before things got too heated. People like that drive me crazy. Who's the real racist here?

Friday, March 27, 2009

We're getting a farm!!

God has given us the wonderful opportunity to buy a small piece of land with a house on it. It's 12 acres, mostly pasture but with a good amount of woods too, maybe 2 or more acres? The house is 1700sf (twice what we have now) and the main part is 150 years old! It has this beautiful old fireplace in it and the kitchen is huge with tons of cabinets and counter space. What else? 3 bedrooms, 1 bath and 2 living spaces. The bedrooms are big enough that we shouldn't have a problem fitting all our future children :) There's also a detached oversized garage that already has electricity run to it and everything. The laundry room is big enough to fit a good size deep-freeze, or maybe we'll jsut put another fridge in, lol. There's fruit trees behind the house. We know there's apple, and maybe pear? We're not sure yet. There's a smokehouse that's been used as a root cellar, we'll probably use it as both at different times, lol. It does need some work, but that's okay, we have some money to get the things done that have to be done. Oh and it'll be summer before we move in, so we don't have time to get a good garden in. Oh well, next year! That gives us this year to get the yard cleaned up and learn how to can all that fruit. Hopefully by next spring we'll be ready to put in a big garden and get some chickens! We're so excited. It was only maybe 6 months ago when I asked DH if he thought we would ever get our farm because I didn't see it happening without a miracle. Well, God is performing that miracle and I am so blessed to be the reciever of it. Praise God with me. (pictures hopefully to be coming soon)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Another tooth!

Asher lost his second tooth 2 days ago. It's been loose for a while, but he said it hurt to wiggle it, so he was leaving it alone. It finally got loose enough he thought he could wiggle it out, and sure enough, he did! His first permanent tooth is just starting to peak out of the hole left from his first lost tooth.

He also has a slightly loose top tooth already. He's getting so big!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Life with 4

If you can't tell from the lack of posting, we've been busy! Solomon is a wonderful baby. He sleeps well at night and usually when he's awake he's in a wonderful mood. He's starting to smile lots and cooing and all those cute things. He does like to be held while sleeping though, which makes for an interesting time. Some days he'll take good naps in his porta-crib, but other days I can't put him down for more than 5 minutes. So yeah, I've been busy! I'm either trying to get chores done, playing with a happy baby, or holding a sleeping one.

We're also trying to get our schedule going, but life has thrown us a few curve balls the last couple weeks, so we're not getting much school in. And Solomon almost always wants to be held in the evenings, which is my only chore time, so that makes it interesting. But we're getting there.

Today is Sunday, so it's my big cleaning day. I'm trying to tackle the kids closet, but seeing as how I'm holding a sleeping baby who won't be put down, I don't know how far I'll get. That closet is always in disaster mode. It's the length of the kids room, so probably 8ft or more, but it only has one regular sized doorway. So even when it get all pulled out, organized and put back in, as soon as I need to put something in it again, it just gets thrown in on top. And while I'm in there, I need to get stuff organized for the big clothes switch I'll have to do in another month or so. Oh and go through all the clothes I pulled out of the boys dressers to make more room and decide if I should keep it, donate it, toss it, etc. I've also been given a ton of clothes for Asher to grow into, nice clothes all the way up to size 10, so I need to go through those and get them organized. And I have to get it all done by bedtime tonight so Genesis's bed can be put back on the floor. Think I can do it? I don't know either, but we'll give a shot.

Looks like Solomon is pretty out of it and may let me put him down, so I need to get work. Wish me luck!