Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My battle against laziness

I've always been a lazy person. Lazy and procrastinating by nature. Since having children, this has bothered me more and more and I've been consciously fighting it. There are some times in life though where it's an easier fight. Right now is not one of those times. Everyday I have to sit down many many times throughout the day to take care of the baby, and every time is new battle to get back up. It's so easy to just hold the sleeping baby and not get anything done. It seems by the time I finally convince myself to get off my behind, he's waking up and needs to eat! Case in point: by my schedule, I should have been in the shower half an hour ago, but here I sit, with a sleeping baby on my chest, blogging. I may or may not be able to put him down right now without him waking, I wont' know until I try. The good news is that it actually bothers me now when my house is a mess and I keep loosing the battle to get up. When Asher was a baby, I didn't much care. So off I go, to fight the good fight and every time I win I become a better person.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mystery Solved

For the last week or two, Solomon has been getting little sores and scratches on the top of his head. I had no idea where they were coming from. I thought they were appearing at night, but that's all I knew. It was driving me crazy and you can just imagine the ideas going through my head since we have issues with bugs and mice! Last night, I figured it out. When he nurses while we're both laying down, he takes his arm that is furthest from me and reaches up and around to the top of his head. He mainly plays with his hair, but he scratches and picks too. Mystery solved! Now I just have to decide what, if anything, to do about it...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pulling up carpet

We pulled up carpet yesterday and set off some odor bombs called Room Shocker. I had read about it online and it got pretty good reviews. Plus, it has a money back guarantee, so we went for it. I think it's pretty much just a gaseous form of bleach, which I normally don't mess with, but sometime you gotta do when you gotta do. They say for strong odors to let it work for 24 hours, so well see how well it worked this afternoon. The house will probably reek of bleach, but thats better than the smell that's there! We talked to a neighbor, and he said they had chickens living IN the house. We're not talking about little chicks in a box here. They didnt have an adequate chicken coop, so the chickens were in the house. So you can imagine the smell in the house. And the desperate need to replace floor coverings!

Today DH is out at the house with a neighbor digging a french drain. The house has water damage and we heard it was from water coming off the hill, so we're trying to divert the water run-off. We think a lot of the water problem is also just from the gutter not being connected. Where the worst damage is, is where the gutters end and it all spills out there.

So that's where we are. Reconstruction has begun.

Friday, April 17, 2009

We have the keys!

The keys to the farm are ours! A little unexpected fee came up. Turns out the previous owners haven't had the electricity turned on since '05. The electric company requires an electric inspection on anything that hasn't had the electric on in over a year. Of course we have to pay for it. Doh. Weren't expecting that. The inspector guy is out ot lunch right now, so we won't know until this afternoon what it's actually going to run us. But that's okay, because we own a farm!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pics of our new house and farm!

Here it is! The house is 1700sf, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath. This could only have happened through God's miracles, so praise the Lord with me! We hope to move in before June. Here's some highlights.

The pics are (I think I got this in order):
The front of the house, The hill right behind the house, Our fruit trees, The back of the acreage from the top of the hill, All the ways back is ours, The view walking back

Next post:
Master bedroom, Family room, Kitchen (don't hate me!) and The living room fireplace.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

TWO daddies!

The other night my BIL stayed over and slept on the living room floor. When Genesis got up with the boys, she came to our bed and fell back asleep with me. I got up a short time later, but she stayed sleeping. Eventually she came out and half awake, saw her uncle laying on the floor. She was at his feet, so she couldn't see his face, and he was sleeping in a position that DH sleeps in often. Her eyes got so big, and she exclaimed with the most wonderful voice "TWO daddies!" She was completely awe-struck. Unfortunately I had to break her heart and tell her that one was Uncle Amos. She was very disappointed. Can you tell she's a Daddy's girl?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Well, darnit

We may not be closing on the house on the 15th. The bank is having issues getting all their paperwork in order. But that's okay, it gives us more time to get firm numbers on things we need to fix up the house. In the meantime, we just wait patiently, I suppose. And try and remember to take the camara next time we head out there...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Planning the farm

So we've spent the last week or two planning our farm. We eventually hope to go off the grid and maybe even self-sustaining. By off the grid we don't just mean to have alternative sources of electricity, but rather to go without. So a lot of plans are working towards that goal. First thing, of course, is getting the house livable. We can start work after the 15th. I still don't have any pictures, but promise to get some as soon as possible. I should probably start packing, since we move in less than two months, if everything goes to plan. But alas, the baby hasn't been feeling well so I'm barely keeping up with laundry and dishes. Right now we're having discussions about where to put the wood stove. There's already a place where one was, though we would have to protect the walls and such, but it's in the middle of the master bedroom and clearance would take up a lot of our room and DH is worried it'll be too hot in there to sleep. So he talked about moving it to a corner of the bedroom, but I"m thinking, if he's going to move it, he should just move it to the family room if he's that worried about the heat at night. We also have been discussing about the whole summer cooking thing when we go off grid and what we want to do about that. Here's our plan so far, though subject to change as we learn more. We have a fireplace to heat the front of the house and we'll be getting a wood stove big enough to heat the back of house. Then we'll build a cook/wash house off of the kitchen to put a cook stove in. That porch area will have fold-down walls and screens so in the summer we can open it up and not heat up the whole house while cooking, but in the winter I can close it up (so I won't freeze!) and can hang laundry up in there as well. Right now we'll just get the wood stove to heat the back of the house, but in the future will buy the cook stove. DH wants to go all out and get one that has a water tank on the back for hot water. Less work for me!

We've also been planning the garden and chicken area. My dad grew up on a farm and told me this great idea that I only found mentioned in one place so far online. What you do is fence in two garden plots, and put the chicken coop between them. The first year, you let the chickens out on one side and put your garden on the other side. Then the next year, you switch them. So the chickens are eating up all your left over garden stuff and composting it, completely weeding the area and fertilizing it. So every year you have a great garden plot to plant in. Awesome! We're going to go ahead and raise layers and meat birds. Hopefully, every 2 months or so we'll get a chicken to raise a brood of chicks to slaughter. Which means we'll need a rooster. I think we said if we start out with 18 or so chicks that should be plenty to get us through until we get some good layers to raise up some more for meat. I'm so excited. Not so much at the thought of slaughtering chickens, but I'm sure I'll get over it.

Speaking of slaughtering, DH is also planning on learning how to slaughter deer (shot on our own land!), and eventually cows that we'll raise too. We're not sure yet exactly how many cows we'll be able to pasture on our land, so that will have a big impact on how we do that, of course. We know for sure we want a dairy cow, and we'll have to freshen her every year or two so we might as well raise the calf for meat, but we don't know what we're going to do about mating her. I don't think we want a bull just for one, at most, two dairy cows, but I don't want to pay to get them inseminated either. Maybe we can find someone to trade use of their bull for something...

But I'm rambling and really need to try and put the baby down so I can switch laundry and wash two days worth of dishes. Thanks for listening to my rambling!