Ugh, I have had no concentration lately. I can't focus at all. Whenever I try and read, I end up just skimming. This of course ends up making me not blog either b/c I loose my train of thought half way through!
Yesterday some people that DH knew growing up stopped by. Dh knew both the husband and the wife and they seem to be really great people! She's a sahm and likes to cook and bake, which gives us a little somethign to talk about. She brought a delicious trifle, it had strawberries, pudding, brownies, cool whip, etc. Yummy. When I told DH to get the bowl for her to take home she said we could finish eating it and she'd just get the bowl back later. Which I think is a good thing, right? B/c if she hated me and didn't like us then she would have taken the bowl, not left it behind to retrieve later. Kind of like on TV when someone goes on a date and they leave somethign in the other person's car so they have a reason to see them again. Hmm...does this show how desperate I am for a rl friend?
Speaking of rl friend's, the neighbors across the street are really nice. We hang out a lot just b/c our kids are always playing together and are back and forth across the yards. There isn't a ton of conversation though, which I feel is partly my fault b/c I'm not a great conversationist, but I think she has the same problem, lol. So I've been trying to find things to talk about, but keep coming up short. I've asked about her hobbies, but she apperantly doesn't have any, which sounds a lot like I used to be! I only recently got into sewing and baking and such.
Despite my lack of concentration, I've actually had a really productive week. I stayed on schedule pretty much every day, except I slept in on Wed. We've started school back up, which is goign ok. I need to find somethign to do with Genesis though b/c she keeps getting into everythign we're doing. I've tried special toys, crayons, etc and nothign is working. I can't do school during her nap time b/c DH is home. I thought about having Canaan play with her when I'm doign school with Asher, but I actually want him present while we're doing school b/c there's a lot he can pick up on, and he sits so well. I think I'm goign to try letting her at the table until she starts getting too out of hand then making her play alone in the living room. It'll probably take me a while to train her, but I think it will be worth it in the end.
I've also got a ton of stuff to go through to get ready for yard sale, so that's been keepign me busy.