Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oh, I forgot!

I forgot to mention, for all those that don't know yet, Asher lost his first tooth last Sunday. While brushing his teeth in the morning I noticed it was loose. We were so excited. By mid-afternoon he had pulled it out. I can't believe I have a child old enough to loose teeth! He enjoyed spending his tooth fairy money earlier this week at Dollar Tree.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

A new church

We haven't been to church since I moved here a year and a half ago. I've been craving the fellowship, but DH hasn't wanted to go. Well, he finally decided that it was time for him to get back into the Word. There's a church we've been following online for a while now. I actually found them while in MO and gave DH some of their publications, all of which we agreed with, so we knew when we started going to church again we would want to check them out. We were a little worried it would turn out to be a mega-church, no offense to mega-churches, but we prefer smaller churches. We were so happy when we got there, because it wasn't huge at all. Quite small really. They have a morning and afternoon service, so I don't know how full the afternoon is, but we liked the morning service. It had the perfect mixture of old and young, with several families with kids the same ages as our kids. We were the largest family there though. I sometimes forget that 4 is getting in the range of "a lot." I spend so much time on message boards with large families that I feel like we're small! There was even a comment about us taking up a whole row, lol. It's not my fault their rows are only 7-8 chairs wide. And Solomon didn't even have his own chair, lol. But anyways, DH and I both really enjoyed the service and the fellowship, so we think we found a home church. I'm so excited. And even more exciting, DH is excited too! And the kids! Asher is the only one who remembers church and all he remembers is having friends there. His excitement about going was so contagious, Genesis was giddy this morning, lol. And they did awesome. I was so afraid we'd be taking kids out constantly since they're not used to sitting still and quiet but they behaved wonderfully. We almost had to take Genesis out, but she straightened up real quick. Oh, that's another thing I just remembered. They all keep their kids with them. I usually feel like a freak when we visit churches because I won't put my kids in the nursery/kids church type things, but this church doesn't even have those things. They have a mother's room which I believe has speakers in it so you can still hear the sermon, which is great! That's all a church really needs, imo. Pretty much, the only problem we found so far with the church is the distance. It's an hour drive, so add that to an almost 2 hour service and most our day is gone by the time we get home, but it will be worth it.

Oh, here's an interesting note. Last night was the worst night Solomon has ever had. He cried and fussed off and on all night. He would only sleep if I was rocking him and patting his back in an upright position, etc. He spent all morning fussing too, which made it hard for me to get me and the kids ready! But as soon as I put him in his carseat, which he usually hates, he settled right down and has been a happy baby since. I think Satan was trying to get us out of going this morning. I have a feeling the next couple weeks will bring some major excuses to not go, but we are determined to go anyway.

That's my exciting news for the week!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Figuring out a new schedule

With DH's new work schedule I'm trying to wrap my mind around what's the best way to do things and how it will work. Here's what I'm thinking so far.

6am-me up, Bible time, exercise
7-7:30am-kids up, dressed with beds made
Bfast, kids gets computer time
8am-me in shower, kids brush teeth, etc
9am-start school
School should be done by 10 or 10:30, DH should be awake by 11, then we have free time, lunch, etc until he goes to work
4:30pm- daily chores, dinner, free time
8:00pm-start getting ready for bed
8:30-45pm-kids in bed
9pm-me in bed (I'm hoping I'll be able to move this 11pm before too long, but right now I need the extra sleep

repeat of Mon

repeat Mon morning
DH off from work, so we run errands, go grocery shopping, relax

DH off from work

repeat Mon

6am-me up, Bible, exercise
7-7:30 kids up
8- bfast
9:30 leave for church
2-3pm get home
4:30pm-repeat Mon evening

I have two options for Sun, I haven't figured out which to do yet
repeat Mon morning, working around DH who leaves for work at 11:30am
11:30-lunch, quiet time, then weekly chores, like mopping, vacuuming around edges, cleaning out fridge, etc
8pm bedtime
wait to do school until after DH leaves, then lunch, weekly chores, etc.

Most likely DH won't be up until it's time to get ready for work on Sun, so we won't really be missing time with him if we're doing our morning schedule, but I think I'll feel like I'm working all day long, which is why there's a quiet time in there. But I wonder if I things will go smoother if we do our school morning routine as usual rather than completely changing around the day

Monday, February 2, 2009

I want another!

I love babies, especially newborns. I can't believe Solomon is 4 weeks old already :( Before long he won't be a newborn anymore, just a regular baby. And I love the newborn stage. They're just so precious. So yes, I want another. I don't know that I'm up for being pregnant again already, seeing as how my house is not even put back together and I'm still on light duty, but I just love having a baby around the house. It'll probably be another 6 months before I get major baby fever, but I'm already constantly telling DH that I want another one, lol. He just laughs, says he knows and that he'll do his best :) How can you not love the newborn stage? They're just so cute and cuddly, like warm, squishy stuffed animals. Just perfect.