Sunday, March 8, 2009

Life with 4

If you can't tell from the lack of posting, we've been busy! Solomon is a wonderful baby. He sleeps well at night and usually when he's awake he's in a wonderful mood. He's starting to smile lots and cooing and all those cute things. He does like to be held while sleeping though, which makes for an interesting time. Some days he'll take good naps in his porta-crib, but other days I can't put him down for more than 5 minutes. So yeah, I've been busy! I'm either trying to get chores done, playing with a happy baby, or holding a sleeping one.

We're also trying to get our schedule going, but life has thrown us a few curve balls the last couple weeks, so we're not getting much school in. And Solomon almost always wants to be held in the evenings, which is my only chore time, so that makes it interesting. But we're getting there.

Today is Sunday, so it's my big cleaning day. I'm trying to tackle the kids closet, but seeing as how I'm holding a sleeping baby who won't be put down, I don't know how far I'll get. That closet is always in disaster mode. It's the length of the kids room, so probably 8ft or more, but it only has one regular sized doorway. So even when it get all pulled out, organized and put back in, as soon as I need to put something in it again, it just gets thrown in on top. And while I'm in there, I need to get stuff organized for the big clothes switch I'll have to do in another month or so. Oh and go through all the clothes I pulled out of the boys dressers to make more room and decide if I should keep it, donate it, toss it, etc. I've also been given a ton of clothes for Asher to grow into, nice clothes all the way up to size 10, so I need to go through those and get them organized. And I have to get it all done by bedtime tonight so Genesis's bed can be put back on the floor. Think I can do it? I don't know either, but we'll give a shot.

Looks like Solomon is pretty out of it and may let me put him down, so I need to get work. Wish me luck!

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