YOu've got to be kidding me
On Tuesday we paid the deposit to get water turned on at the new house. We left explicit directions to call before turning on because we just put new plumbing in and didn't know if there were any leaks, etc. We were assured they would call and even if no-one was there, they would keep the water turned off at the meter, just in case. No call on Tues. Wed morning, DH got up early, all ready to put the toilet and sink in. Walked into the house to discover a flooded bathroom, no kidding. The sink, bathroom and shower were all turned on. And remember, the toilet and sink weren't installed yet, so their pipes were just spraying everywhere. After numerous calls to the water company and having fans blowing all day, they will not charge us for the 8000 ( :O) gallons of water used and things dried out fairly well, so it shouldn't be too much work to fix. I think they should pay for what does need fixing, but DH isn't too worried about it. Fun times, hey?
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