Saturday, July 25, 2009


We're on slow dial-up now, so I haven't been getting on the internet more than about once a week since we moved. I feel like I'm wasting time waiting for pages to load, so then I try and get chores done while it's loading, and then I forget about it and no one can call for hours on end, lol. We're doing good though. Progress on the house has expectedly slowed. Between the house and his job, Austin had been working double shifts for over a month when we moved, so he's taking it easier now and mainly only working on the house on his days off. We also had some car issues, so he had to work on that for a few weeks as well. But hopefully soon we'll be able to move into the rest of the house and have more than just one bedroom, kitchen and living room to live in. We're not really too cramped right now though, which is good. I do have to make sure the kids get a lot of outside time. The biggest aggravator really is that until the other 3 rooms are finished I can't finish unpacking and I'm tired of not being able to find the things I want. But that's a small complaint to be sure.

Solomon is doing wonderfully. He's been inch-worming along for a little over a month and now he's figured out to really crawl, sit up and has started pulling up the last few days. I can't believe he'll be 7 months old soon. It goes by so quickly. The kids are already asking when I'll have another baby in my belly, lol. I have to say, I'm starting to wonder myself, though I know in reality, it probably won't be next spring/summer, just like before. I've got a long way to go if baby fever is starting to hit already!

Genesis is a wonderful little girl, who loves to help out around hte house and with the baby. On Monday she got hit in the face with a shovel by the neighbor girl (totally on accident) and had a deep gash on the bridge of her nose. I took her to the ER where they determined she needed one stitch. I was a little concerned about tetanus, since she's not vaccinated and a lot of risk factors were there, but the ER Dr said the chances of her getting it were very remote and not to worry. We removed the stitch today and it's healing wonderfully. Other than that, she's very two and has her moments.

Canaan is growing up so fast. He's a delight to have around as he's also a willing helper and I love watchign the things he comes up with.

Asher can't wait for us to start school next week. He knows that by the end of 1st grade he'll be an independant reader, and that's very exciting for him. I'm also excited to teach him this year as there's just so much to learn. Other than the reading, we'll also be doing more formal math and memorizing math facts and such along with fun science experiments and a Bible timeline. It just looks like it will be a fun year.

I'm doing great. Solomon is quite a bit more needy than I remember any of the others being (or maybe it's just b/c I have 4 now) and I'm having a hard time getting my groove back, but now that he's starting to take longer naps and plays on the floor more I can see the light at the end of hte tunnel. It's frustrating to feel like the house is always in survival mode, but I wouldn't trade all the baby snuggles I get for more housework time almost any day of the week. One day a week I would like to be able to actually get more done Which I think is also partially why I don't mind not having the rest of the house done. I'm working hard enough just keeping what we have clean!

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