Thursday, January 31, 2008

How Things are Going

It's so wonderful to not have any toys :) It takes the boys a whole 15 minutes to pick up Genesis's toys and any dirty clothes/trash that's on the floor. And then we have plenty of time to read Bible stories and The Hobbit. Just lovely. Maybe it will last, even after they have toys again? Maybe.

What else? Oh! I finished my Mei Tai! I decided not to put a pocket on it, which for some reason has DH distressed. Apperently he was really looking forward to having one with a pocket? Like everything he sewed he gushed about how wonderful it was and how I should sell them. And this is right after he makes fun of my never straight seams. I always tell him that if I were to pay somethign to make something for me, and they gave it to me with this poor of quality, I would not be happy. Why would I expect any less from others? But I am happy with how it turned out and I know the more I sew the better I'll get.

I am so proud of myself. YOu ever have those weeks where everythign just goes smootly and you get all your chores done and all that? I've had one of those weeks. Last week I really dropped the ball and got hardly anything done, so I've really stepped up this week and done really well. Actually I do pretty good most weeks, but after having such an unmotivated week it was nice.

I was just sitting here thinking about tomorrow's bfast. We're having rice pudding. Want to know a secret? I've never in my life had rice pudding. Never. And while I'm sharing. This past Monday was the first time I've ever had cornmeal mush. Why the sudden desire to try new things? DH asked after we moved in that I start making bfast every morning. His grandma always made bfast so he had gotten used to it in the many months he lived with her. He wanted bacon, eggs and toast so we did that for a while, but it got expensive, so I started only cooking it every other day with other things on the off days. And now DH is complaining that he's tired of bacon and eggs all the time, so I'm looking for even more cheap things for bfast. I hate having ot decide in the morning what to cook (actually I hate having to decide what to cook for any meal or snack, thank God for menus!) so last week I set up a new bfast menu. Sunday is eggs, bacon and cinnamon rolls (which I keep intending to start making my own, but for now we use Pillsbury), Monday is cornmeal mush, Tuesday is french toast, Wed is bacon, eggs, toast, Thurs is baked oatmeal with fruit, Friday rice pudding, and Sat is super sugary, artificially flavored/colored cereal, b/c it's easy and I love it :) Only the rice pudding and cornmeal mush are new. So far this week everybody has loved everything. Every morning the kids wake up and ask what's for bfast and when I tell them, they cheer. Yay for Mommy! Let's hope the rice pudding goes over well too!

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