Saturday, November 29, 2008

Just rambling

So we got our new towels on Friday, spent a whole $15 for ten new towels, yay!! They were running low by the time we got there (I told DH we needed to leave sooner) and we don't really have a color theme or anything in our bathroom, so we just grabbed ten towels of different colors. I made the mistake of throwing them all in the wash at once. We had bought 2 white towels, but now I have two off-white towels, lol. The funny part is that they have a pink tinge, but we didn't buy any red colored towels! The only thing I can figure is that it's from the couple of brown towels we got, with maybe a bit of blue mixed in? I don't know. Luckily, 1. I don't care about the color of the towels, if they dry you off, they're good! and 2. they look like they may have come in that color and not just been dyed in the wash, lol.

We also got in some money we've been waiting for, so we bought everybody new socks and underwear, which we desperately needed. And now my little girl is wearing big girl underwear! She looks so cute in them though. We also ordered Asher a new carseat. He's out-growing his current one, actually all the kids are, so it's time to move everybody up the line. We bought him the Graco Nautilus, which has a 5-pt harness that goes up 65 lbs. He's just now about 40lbs, so it should fit him a while. I'm anal when it comes to carseat safety. Asher asked the other day why his cousin (who just turned 5) has a carseat without seatbelts (ie, a low back booster) so I had to explain that that's just the kind of carseat his parents want for him, but we want Asher in the harness still b/c we feel it's safer. I'm debating about turning Genesis forward facing. Right now she's till rear-facing, and seeing as how she's not even 25lbs and the carseat goes rear up to 35lbs, she should be okay in it for a while. But when I rearrange carseats to fit the baby, that will give me two rear-facing kids in the middle row with the bigger boys in the back row and that's going to be difficult. I won't even be able to hand Genesis anything, let alone the boys. But I guess that's the way it goes with lots of littles, huh? I'm thinking we'll have to make sure the boys have a drink of water in the back with them. They'll both have cup holders on their carseats, that will make it easier, for sure. But now when we stop for fast food (usually on errand day) we'll have to actually park the car just to pass out food. That doesn't sound fun. And it's already hard to hear what they're saying, they'll have to yell just so we can hear them. I have a Suburban, so right now we're planning on keeping one of the middle row seats folded up so it's easier to get into the back row. Asher and Canaan will go in the back, most likely with Asher in the middle, but I need to see if that's okay with his new carseat since it just has a lap-belt. I'm thinking since we'll be using it with the 5-pt, that should be fine. Then Canaan will be on the side with the seat folded up, so we can reach him easier to get him buckled and unbuckled. Asher can buckle and unbuckle himself. Then in the middle row will be Genesis and the baby. I haven't decided who goes where yet. It'll probably be easier to put the baby on the outside, with Genesis in the middle. I'll have to climb in to buckle Canaan in anyways, so I can do her from the same spot. And it'd be hard to reach the middle to put the baby carrier in, I think. And then there's the whole rear-facing/forward facing dilemma with her. The boys were over 2 when I turned them around, probably closer to 2.5 and even then, I wouldn't have minded keeping them rear-facing longer. Now that I think about it, Canaan was rear-facing when we moved here, at almost 3, then we didn't have a car until he was 3.5 and he got put in forward-facing. DH turned Asher around at 2.5 I think. I really want to keep her rear-facing for the safety benefits, but it would be so much easier if she's forward facing. I could hand her things for the baby and stuff like that. And I shouldn't feel guilty if I turn her around now. After all, plenty of people do it a lot sooner and for less reasons. Decisions, decisions.

Oh, I also ordered my birthing kit today. Yay!! I can't wait for it to get here. I think that will make the upcoming birth seem more real to me. Who would have thought I could get so excited about sterile gloves, peri bottles and Chux pads? We also bought a package of newborn diapers on Friday. I got an 80 pack, which I'm thinking will get us through the first couple days until I swtich to cloth, and nighttimes until the baby grows out of the newborn and into size 1. At least that's my hope. I really need to get busy making a few more cloth diaper covers. I think have two in newborn size. I had more with Genesis, but they fell apart about the time she grew out of them. Two will NOT be enough. Really, I could get by if I even made 2 or 3 more. Must get that done!

But first I need to finish sewing panels onto my curtians so they insulate better. We get a lot of cold air through the windows. We covered them in plastic, which helped a lot, but insulating hte curtains helped a lot too. I've got about half of them done. It only takes a few minutes to do each one, I just need to get on it.

What else is there? Oh yeah! My husband makes the best coleslaw in the whole world. It tastes just like KFC coleslaw, which is the only kind I'll eat. I admit, I was skeptical when he told me he could, but his Grandma asked him to make some for Thursday, and sure enough, it tastes just like KFC's. I was so glad there was enough left over for our Tday yesterday and even some for today! We had a good Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. And other than getting the massive turkey in and out of the oven, I cooked the whole thing myself. I even made gravy from the drippings. Yay for me. I hope to find more things to add to our menu to make it a bit more diverse, but I don't know what. We don't eat a lot of the more classic tday things, like sweet potatoes and green bean cassarole . I'm wondering I can't find a mashed sweet potato recipe that is a bit more savory and not sweet, like regular mashed potatoes. That might be good. And it would add more color and nutrients to our plates. That reminds me, I made a pumpkin pie from scratch, just for DH and he hasn't even tried it. He probably forgot it. I don't like pumpkin pie, so I hope he eats it all!

I think that's about it for now. I'm done rambling.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I love Thanksgiving. It's always been one of my favorite holidays. And now that we don't celebrate Easter, Christmas or Halloween, Thanksgiving and 4th of July are about all we have holiday wise. This morning I went over to Dh's Grandma's house and helped her get things ready for the big family dinner. We finished up early, so I came home to spend some time with the family before heading over there to eat. This is actually my first Thanksgiving with DH's family. Last year there was a family conflict just prior to Tday, so we had our own dinner. All the other years we were in Missouri for Tday.

Then tomorrow we're going to cook our own Tday dinner with all the things we like and none of the things we don't. Mainly so have a bunch of leftovers, lol. We bought a 23lbs turkey so there should be LOTS of leftovers. We're also headed to Walmart early in the morning. We are in desperate need of towels, we only have 6 full sized towels and that's just not enough. Plus we'll need lots for the homebirth. Walmart is having a Black Friday sale and towels are $1.50 a peice!! Eventually I'd like to buy a whole set of bamboo towels, but this will get us through for now. And you can't beat $1.50.

So that's how we're spending our holiday. How about you?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

An update

Things are going well here. I just feel like I've been really busy, though I don't know with what. I had a midwife appt and the baby is head down now. I think s/he turned shortly after my last appt, but I can't be sure. The baby is also really low, which isn't unusual for me. I've always heard 2nd and subsequent babies tend to drop later, but not mine. Both Canaan and Genesis dropped by about 37 wks, if not sooner. The midwife was quite surprised at how low the baby was. Everythign is going just great.

This pregnancy has snuck up on me though. As of today, I am 33 weeks and I have no idea how I got that far along. I am not at all ready for this baby and I'm supposed to be completely ready by 36wks. That's only 3 wks away!! How is that possibly. I feel like I have tons of time left, and I just don't. This is the least real pregnancy I've had. It's like I'm so busy, I haven't had time to just be pregnant, if that makes any sense. In less than two months I will have a new baby. And I am not ready, phyisically or emotionally. Somebody give me a swift kick in the pants to get a move on it!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Can you pray for me?

I'm having a hard time emotionally right now and could really use some prayers for peace and resolution of some issues. Thanks!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'm getting old!

Yesterday I turned the ripe old age of 27. Where have the years gone? I know 27 really isn't that old, especially with #4 on the way, but it sure feels old. I'm officially in my late 20s. Before I know it, I'll be 30. Not that 30 is old either, but yk. Luckily, I get to make myself feel better by making fun of DH, who will be 31 tomorrow.

Anyways, Happy Birthday to me!