Tuesday, November 25, 2008

An update

Things are going well here. I just feel like I've been really busy, though I don't know with what. I had a midwife appt and the baby is head down now. I think s/he turned shortly after my last appt, but I can't be sure. The baby is also really low, which isn't unusual for me. I've always heard 2nd and subsequent babies tend to drop later, but not mine. Both Canaan and Genesis dropped by about 37 wks, if not sooner. The midwife was quite surprised at how low the baby was. Everythign is going just great.

This pregnancy has snuck up on me though. As of today, I am 33 weeks and I have no idea how I got that far along. I am not at all ready for this baby and I'm supposed to be completely ready by 36wks. That's only 3 wks away!! How is that possibly. I feel like I have tons of time left, and I just don't. This is the least real pregnancy I've had. It's like I'm so busy, I haven't had time to just be pregnant, if that makes any sense. In less than two months I will have a new baby. And I am not ready, phyisically or emotionally. Somebody give me a swift kick in the pants to get a move on it!

1 comment:

Natural Mama said...

*kick* LOL I'm so glad you posted an update--I was sorta worried about you after your last post. I'm so glad the baby is head down--that's wonderful news!!