Friday, February 22, 2008

One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven

I was recently given a book by Mark Cahill titled "One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven." (that's probably supposed to be underlined instead of in quotes, but whatever) It's about the importance of witnessing to others. I've only just started reading it, and skimmed through it, but wow, it's already lit a fire under my butt. Do you "witness" to others? Obviously we have our children and we witness through our lives, but have you ever just gone up to a stranger and asked them if they know Jesus? A few times I've asked people who IMed me and random, but I've never done it in person. Call me a chicken. But really, we all need to step out of our comfort zones. Out of our comfort zone is IN His comfort zone. Where we are weak, He is strong. So let's let Him be strong by witnessing to others!

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