Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day Two!

My second day back on the job. Today I decided to clean up the kitchen. I just can't function with a messy kitchen. Especially if I need to cook. And while DH has kept us fed, it hasn't been the most nutritious, filling food, if you kwim. So I NEED to start cooking again. Lucky for me, I still have a few meals in the freezer and some easy stuff around the house, so I shouldn't have to work too hard. So now I have a functioning kitchen again. I feel like I'm really doing good. DH kept the living room functional, I got laundry and kitchen caught up, so once I get the bathroom caught up tomorrow I'll be able to just do daily maintenance for another week while I continue to heal. My body hasn't shown any signs of over-doing it, so I think I'm alright to keep up at this pace.

The only thing I need to work on is my sleep schedule. I've been staying up late to ChaCha and earn some money, but that makes mornings hard. I really miss my quiet time in the mornings and not waking up to complaints of hunger, etc. The last couple nights I've tried getting up after 8 hours of sleep, and I just can't do it, but I never could before either. I need either 9 hours of sleep (what I've been getting) or 7 hours it seems. So I'm going to try going to bed at 11 and getting up at 6. The kids have been getting up between 6 and 7am, but I'm thinking they'll be told to stay in their room until 7. They have a clock and both boys understand "when the little hand is on the 7 and the big hand is on the 12." Before Solomon was born, I had tried getting them to sleep in longer by keeping them up later at night and some how it completely backfired on me. They had been getting up closer to 7-7:30 and before I knew it they were waking up at 6! Right now they're going to bed early b/c, to be honest, by 7:30pm I am just done. I have lost all patience, etc. I'm really hoping having early morning time will help with that though.

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