Monday, January 19, 2009

My first day back to work

Solomon is two weeks old already. It's amazing how quickly 2 weeks goes, but at the same time, it seems like he's been here forever. But now that he's two weeks old my vacation is over. I plan to take it slowly, but that might be hard! DH has actually tried very hard and done a half way decent job keeping the house, but we all know how that goes. There's clutter everywhere, the floors are sticky, the bathroom hasn't been wiped down. My goal today is laundry. Nothing but laundry. That's plenty though. For two weeks clothes have not been put away, so you can imagine the pile(s) of folded clothes I have (I did the folding). Genesis has been putting her own clothes away with nobody going behind her and folding and putting in the right drawers, so I can't find anything of hers. And I have a mountain of dirty clothes to wash. DH tried to keep it caught up, but to give you an idea of how that went: One day he did 3 loads of laundry, failing to get any of the clothes out of the kids' room. 3 DAYS later he goes "how can there be so much laundry? I just did THREE loads!" Um...I do 2-3 loads of laundry 5 days a week in order to keep it up, and that was before we added a new baby. Of course you're going to be backed up after 3 days of not doing any. I'm trying to decide how much laundry I'm going to have to do everyday now with the baby's stuff, after I get caught up.

Speaking of the baby's laundry. He's already adding more laundry than the others did. The boy is a pee-er. I've been peed on more times in his short two weeks than I was in the past 6 years. I think he gets me or himself 2 out of every 3 diaper changes. And when he doesn't pee during the change, he seems to pee out of the side of the diaper between changes. So clothes are being changed often due to this. And not just clothes, but extra blankets, burping clothes and cloth diapers. Yeah, he's adding a good bit of extra laundry.

I'm still debating what my goal will be for tomorrow. I'll probably have to work on laundry some more. I doubt I'll get it all done today. But after that, should I work on the icky dishes, counter and table? Maybe the icky bathroom that as previously mentioned hasn't been wiped down in 2 weeks, and I have 2 boys and a 2yo girl who insists on using the big potty, so you can imagine what it looks/smells like in there. Or do I plan to mop the dining room floor that is sticky because the kids split juice all over it and nobody bothered to clean it up? Decisions, decisions...

1 comment:

Natural Mama said...

I was talking to my husband's grandmother the other day and she said that the community midwife back in the day would stay with you for a MONTH and cook & clean, PLUS take care of the children! Wouldn't that be wonderful??
Glad to hear the updates!