Thursday, April 3, 2008

Another day, another dollar

Well, maybe not another dollar that *I* make, lol. But it is payday and that's always a good thing :)

Want to hear a kind of funny about Genesis? She regularly gets up in the morning when it's still dark aside but I'm already up and on the computer. She just kind of wanders into the living room from the bedroom (which is right off the LR). Last night DH was up late on the comp and I guess Genesis thought I was up already b/c she got out of bed and went into the LR. DH said she got the most disgusted face when she saw it was him and not me,lol. He asked her if she wanted to come and cuddle with him for a few minutes which was enough to wake me up, so I called her name and she immediatly turned around and came running back to bed with me, lol. I thought it was funny anyways.

I think I got everythign on my list done yesterday. Oh, except school stuff. I did look at the Teacher's Manuel again though to refamiliarize myself with it. Asher really wants to start doing school, but I just think we'll get so much more out of it if we have access to the library first. It sucks not having a car.

Alright, onto my todo list:

  1. Wash diapers
  2. Scrub down table, chairs and highchair
  3. Mop dining room floor
  4. Clean up laundry area
  5. Clean boys' bathroom
  6. Start going through school stuff

It's the last day of the week for us, yay!! DH has Fridays and Saturdays off so we can celebrate Sat sabbath. So all I'm doing tomorrow is grocery shopping, which I already have my list made out for.

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