Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy April!!

I can't believe it's really April. Spring time is here!

I'm super frustrated right now with my sleeping schedule. Ideally, I need 9 hours of sleep, but with the boys only needing 11 hrs, that only gives me two hours of no kid time a day. 1 hr in the morning that I must have to not be a grouchy mom and then 1 hour in the evenings, which is just not long enough!! So I've been seeing if I can get by with less sleep and so far I've discovered that I absolutly cannot get 8 hrs of sleep. It's impossible for me to get up after 8 hrs and if I do manage to get up, I need a nap. A few nights last week I got 7 hrs and did alright with that, so I'm goign to try a consistant 7 hours of sleep this week. I'm just debating on where to add the 2 extra hours of kid-free time!

I actually got my whole todo list done yesterday, including washing curtains. Even after Genesis threw a whole bunch of clean towels in a bathtub full of water and the boys doused themselves with muddy water. It also looks like I'll be baking bread a bit more often now. The recipe I've been using if for 2 loaves, but I was always getting these little half size loaves. I think it's the size of my pan that's the problem, but who knows, maybe it's the recipe. It really bothered me, so yesterday I just put the whole thing in one loaf pan, and it turned out perfect. It actually looks like bread is supposed to look! But that means I'll probably be making it twice as often b/c it seems it doesn't matter what size the loaf is, we go through it in the same amount of time. But it's getting late in the morning and my kids are hungry, so I need to get this show on the road.

My todo list for today:

  1. Declutter living room
  2. Vaccuum under the couches
  3. Vaccuum around the edges
  4. Organize toys
  5. Clean the tutle's cage
  6. Organize shoes
  7. Extra for the day: Clean off fans.

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