Monday, April 14, 2008

It's Monday again!

So we had a great time this weekend. For some reason weeks go by really fast with DH having Thur/Fri off. Because we have our weekend, and then it's the real weekend with a Sabbath rest and then DH works in the morning, so we still have that night time together. It's great. It's like the week is really only 3 days long.

On Thursday we spent a good bit of time outside, the kids playing with neighborhood kids and us talking to the neighborhood adults (at least in the evening). We have the only swingset in town, so we get a lot of kids over when we're out. I've established a "please don't use our swingset when we're not outside" rule. It just makes me feel better. Right now we have an old cheap metal swingset and if the kids get all swinging in the same direction (especially if htere are bigger kids on it) then the whole set starts rocking. Scary. But in some awesome news, a friend of ours, her dad has a big solid wooden swingset, but no swings and nobody every plays on it, so she asked her dad and we can have it!! We've been wanting a wooden playset, but no money. The swingset we have now was actually a Freecycle find 4 yrs ago when Asher was just a toddler. So hopefully either this Thurs or Fri or next DH will go help tear down the new swing set and bring it over to set up. And after all that work he put into putting this one up, lol.

I hope everyone has a great week!

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