Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Halfway through another week!

Okay, so it's only Tues, but for me, that's half way through, espcially since DH might have Thurs/Fri off this week. He's having a really rough time with another cook that works Thurs shift, so he's goign to have his schedule changed until they can work somethign out. Don't ask me how I'm goign to get everythign done this week, I havne't figured it out yet!

Our weather here has been just beautiful. In the 70s the last two days and again today. Tomorrow is supposed to be a bit cooler in the mid 60s and raining. Blech. DH got the swingset put up yesterday. The boys spent almost all day outside and both ended up with sunburns on the back of their necks.I think we start every spring/summer that way.

The only down side is that it gets really hot in here! We don't have a/c and whenever we open the windows it ends up smelling like cat pee in here b/c we have about 5 strays that hang out next door. I could deal with the cat pee smell if I had to, but we don't want the landlord to think it's our cat making it smell in here. So for now we're keeping the heat off at night, even though it gets pretty chilly so it stays cooler in here longer. But by afternoon it's pretty hot. So today I plan to get as much done in the morning.

Well, the boys just got up so that means I need to start breakfast. I think we're having pancakes today, yum!

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