Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's Friday!!

Ok, for hte normal world it's only Wed, but for me, it's Friday b/c DH is off of work tomorrow and the day after. So that makes it Friday, right?

The kids and I enjoyed a beautiful evening outside last night. Of course it was about 15 degrees cooler out there than inside, so it was for my sanity. My poor baby girl though. I've been letting her outside on the front porch with no shoes and yesterday I discovered 3 splinters on the bottom of her feet. One already had a puss blister around it, another was just starting to get pussy but thankfully the last one looked just fine. So I held her down and got the first two out and left the 3rd alone. Usually I dont have a problem letting kids go barefoot (*I* go barefoot most of the summer), but 3 splinters in the matter of a couple days and ones that are getting infected at that, is just too much. Baby girl will be wearing her soft leather shoes outside from now on.

It's official. Asher needs a new bike. He's got the smallest two wheeler w/training wheels you can buy, like a 12 or 13 in. I've raised the seat, but it's still pretty small. It probably wouldn't really matter that much, but there are a ton of kids around here who ride bikes and Asher has the smallest one. There's even a little girl who's about his size, maybe smaller, and her bike I swear is twice as big! (though it's a bit big for her). So he needs a new (probably used) bike and Canaan will get the small one. I think this summer Asher needs to learn to ride a two wheeler. And Canaan doesn't even know how to peddle yet. Good thing Daddy's around to teach them important stuff ;)

1 comment:

Natural Mama said...

Hey, I'm still faithfully reading, but usually I pack several of your blogs in one day...ha. Don't get to look everyday, so I 'batch-read'. Yeah for the warmer weather! Wish we could get our kids together and play!!

Take care! I'm still reading! :)