Tuesday, December 2, 2008

34 weeks!

I'm 34 weeks today. I think I've made it past the small freak-out I had of not being ready (buying some stuff helped with that I believe) and now I'm on to getting excited. In 2-6 weeks I will have a new baby!! I've been getting stuff done around here to prepare. Like I said, the birthing kit is ordered and should be here in a few days. I got more sewing done so I can start my diaper covers soon. I pulled the stuff out I need to make diaper covers and pulled the newborn diapers out (so cute!). Tomorrow we're supposed to be getting stuff out of storage, like baby clothes!! I can't wait to go through all those teeny tiny outfits and pull out a few favorites of each gender. And all the tiny blankets, and the bouncy seat. Yup, definitely getting excited. Next week I'll probably be freaking out about labor and delivery, lol.

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