Friday, December 12, 2008

Had to cancel my midwife appt

I was supposed to have a midwife appt yesterday, but we ended up canceling b/c we still have pink eye floating around the house and the midwife didn't want it in her office. Can't say I blame her! Right now Canaan and Genesis have it in BOTH eyes. They look horrible. The garlic is doing the trick, but as soon as I get one completely over it somebody else starts to get it. We were planning on having the midwife do a home visit next week for our next appt anyways, so we may just go right to that. That way I don't have to cancel again if it's still floating around and I don't think she'll mind coming here to pink eye as much as us taking it there. She doesn't want it getting on all the toys at her office.

I need to call her today about setting that up and also ask her about these contractions I keep getting and how easy I should be taking it. DH is doing the best he can, but he needs to step up a bit, imo. He did great yesterday though. We went grocery shopping and when my cart started getting too heavy and was giving me BH he made the boys get out and walk and let me push the almost empty cart. And he's always great about unloading the carts unto the belts (which is really hard on a pg belly!) and he loads up the car. Then he let me come inside and sit while he unloaded the car and had the kids put the groceries away. I'm sure if I had done all my normal stuff I would have been having horrible contractions by the time I was done, but instead, I only the normal few. It was great.

I think I've decided though that when I take my 2 week "baby vacation" I'm going to stay in the bedroom so I don't have to see the state of the house, lol. Hopefully that will make it easier to stay down!

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