Sunday, December 28, 2008

Did I tell you...

Did I tell you that Genesis is just about weaned? Not by my doing! She asks to nurse maybe once a week, if that. I'm thinking there's a chance though that once the baby is born and she sees it nursing that she may start asking again. But I'm okay with that. I think it would be weird she hadn't nursed for months, but she does still nurse occasionally so that's okay. I should have known she'd wean this early though. By the time the boys were this age they only nursed before nap and bed out of habit and I didn't let Genesis form that habit. So yeah, I should have figured she'd wean sooner. I'm really kind of hoping she picks it back up after the baby born. I'm not ready for her to grow up yet! As it is, she's pretty much completely potty-trained. Which also means, for the first time in 6 years, other than at night, we're diaper free. And really, I think we could go without the nighttime diaper, but I"m not ready for that leap. Canaan still wets the bed at least once a week so I don't want to deal with two doing that, yk? But Genesis wakes up with a dry diaper more of than not.

Speaking of baby coming. Had a visit with the midwife today. She doesn't think we'll be having this baby soon, nor do I. I just don't feel like it's coming soon. With all the others, by now I would wake up saying "today could be the day" and I don't feel that way at all this time. And the midwife says I haven't hit my plateau yet, I'm still growing. So this baby may need a while to cook yet, which is okay. So that's my update!

1 comment:

Natural Mama said...

Evan was down to nursing at night and during the night, but after his sickness he wants to nurse quite frequently. I'm pretty much ready for him to wean, but I am sad about his growing up! Well, keep me updated with any more developments!