Monday, December 8, 2008

A little update

Carseats are all in, except the infant carrier base, which we'll probably put in next week. It actually looks more spacious in our car now. Before the kids were all scrunched into one row, but now they're all spread out. Asher ended up getting put on the end of the back row, instead of in the middle b/c his new carseat is too big too fit in the middle. So the boys have about a foot of space between their seats. We're a little worried about when we need to fit 5 carseats, but the front row is slightly wider than the back, so it may fit better there when it gets to be time for that. We also decided to put Genesis rear-facing. I explained the dilemma to DH to get his opinion and at first he was all for putting her forward-facing, but then the next day he said he wanted to leave her rear-facing so she could see the boys. Fine with me!

I'm taking it easy today, I've actually been taking it easy for several days now. At first I just had no motivation, but now I think my body was telling me to stay down. After several days of just getting the bare minimum done, I want to do more, but I'm getting a ton of strong braxton hicks contractions. So I'm just doing hte basics again today. The kids got the house all picked up and are now watching a movie. The only thing I plan on still doing tonight is the dishes and finishing up some laundry. As long as I spread them out, I should be okay. I have a feeling it may be this way the rest of the pregnancy, though I'm hoping not, b/c weeks of doing just the basics, then having DH in charge for two weeks is going to make it really hard to do just the basics for 4 more weeks, which is my plan for optimal recovery after baby. Maybe over DH's two weeks of being in charge I can convince him to do a few of the extra things I try and get done every week. That's about it for now!

eta: I just realized that even if I do need to slow down for these BH, I won't have to until the baby is born. Once I hit 37wks, I can completely ignore them, or hope the work will turn them into real contractions!

1 comment:

Natural Mama said...

I'm getting so excited for you, girl! you and my sister are due about the same time.
I'm glad to know about the garlic cure for pink eye. Yes, I believe garlic is the ultimate healer. We have several patches of garlic growing in our backyard. I'm tempted to make the kids start eating it because they have the snots!! :o)
Take care!