Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's official

I now have a 2yo, a 4yo and 6yo. Asher's birthday is today and it's the last of our "birthday season" (though we still need to have their bday party with cake and stuff). I'm actually looking forward to this baby having a slightly later bday so that it's not quite so all at once, yk? Two weeks ago I had a 1yo, a 3yo and a 5yo. That's a lot of growing up in two weeks!

In other news, I cured pink eye!! Two days ago, Asher was asking in the late morning/early afternoon if you could have eye snot instead of just eye boogers, b/c he had a lot of snotty stuff in his eye. A few hours later he was complaining his eye hurt. By bed time, it was red and swollen half shut. I woke up the next morning with lots of "eye snot." I did my research and was happy when I found a home remedy that we could actually do. It doesn't do me any good to know a tincture of eyebright and a bunch of other stuff will do it, I don't have any of htat stuff. So here is what we did. In a rag, put a minced clove of garlic. soaked it in hot water for about 5 seconds, then squeezed out the extra juice. Placed the compress on the eye for 60 seconds or until it started burning, whichever happened first. Rinsed off the eye to be sure juices didn't get in. We did that 3 times yesterday. By the end of hte day, I had no symptoms and all of Asher's redness and itchiness was gone, though he still had some residual swelling. We're doing it again today just to be sure we kill the infection. I am so proud of myself for curing this at home and not having to take him to the Dr (or the ER since it's a weekend). I think garlic is a gift from God. It kills almost every bad, but none of the good, like antibiotics do. You can eat it, or just put it in a compress. It's wonderful stuff. Thank you God for garlic!!

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