Baby Fever
My baby is almost 8 months old. That means my baby fever is kicking into high gear. It doesn't help any that on one of my boards we're having a ton of new preggies and new babies. Based on history, I have about 7 months until I get pg, 8 months til get my positive hpt. THat seems so far away but I know it will be here before I know it. Although it would probably be helpful to be at least living in the same state as DH, lol. And you never know, God might surprise us with a closer spacing this time.
Speaking of God and more babies. We were visiting an older relative today who claims to be Christian, but this will give you a good idea of her actual thoughts. My 4yo was talking about how he wants 4 more brothers and 4 more sisters so we'll have 11 kids. The relative knows we want a large family and I certainly didn't discourage DS from talking about our hopeful future big bunch (though I do usually say something about we'll take whatever size family God gives us). The relative said somethign along the lines of "I know you want a large family, but I just don't think you can afford them!" To which I responded "God will provide." She looked right at my 4yo and said "That's a myth. God doesn't provide anything." I was so shocked that someone would say that to my 4yo! I managed to just smile and say "that depends on your idea of providing." She is one of those ladies who has to have the best of the everything. With her big expensive car and country club membership. She can't possibly understand why I would stay home when I could be out earning money and thereby have a bigger house and nicer things. She actually told my DH not to move us to live with him unless I was "goign to get a job and help out!" Yes, b/c me not having a job is the source of all our problems (insert eye roll here).
But anyways, I got off on a tangent there. I am really starting ot crave having a baby in my belly again. I just love being pg so very much and all the excitment that goes with it. Don't get me wrong, I love my baby girl and am enjoying her to the fullest (well, as full as you can with a toddler and preschooler to chase around), but I'm ready to begin another new little life again.
So, who's calling the psych ward so they can come pick me up?