Friday, July 20, 2007

I've been tagged

I was tagged by Lily, so here I go:

4 jobs I've had: seriously? I've only worked at 3 places outside of the home, so...

1. Waitressing at Country Kitchen
2. Waitressing at a local steakhouse
3. a "stuffer" for a newspaper, I helped put all those flyers in the paper

4 movies I could watch over and over

1. A Knight's Tale
2. Moulin Rouge
3. What a Girl Wants
4. The 5th Element

4 places I've lived: Another toughy, I've lived in many different houses the last 7 years, but only a few different towns

1.Lansing, MI
2. Springfield, MO
3. Republic, MO
4. my current residence ;)

4 TV shows I watch: uuhh....I only have two. I don't watch much tv

1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Men in Trees, b/c it's been coming on right after GA and I got sucked in somehow

4 places I've been on vacation We've never taken a vacation, except before we were married we spent a week with DH's family then a week with mine, but that's about it. A camping trip once or twice. Mainly just visit family and friends.

1. Michigan
2. Kentucky
3. Went to Colorado once, but it was hardly a vacation
4. We used to have what I affectionaly call "a vacation trailer park" where we used to go all the time in the summer when I was little. I miss it there.

4 of my favorite foods

1. Ice cream
2. Jello No-bake cheesecake with cherry topping
3. Filet Mignon
4. Cherry pie

4 websites I visit

4. (well, their forums anyways)

I would tag some people, except I don't have 4 people to tag, lol. I think Lily and Natural Mama are the only people who even read this, lol.


Lily said...

Yay, thanks for playing! It was fun to tag and be tagged. Hehe.

And hey, I've seen Men in Trees, and yeah, it can suck a gal in. Somehow it is entertaining although a bit odd, lol.

Natural Mama said...

U can tag me, I don't mind. :D I updated my blog...take a look, but it's nothing major.