Sunday, July 22, 2007


So for some reason I finally start feeling the need to really pack. There's really no reason to think we would move anytime soon, since we've been looking to move for months, but I still feel this need to start packing. Maybe it's God speaking to me. I'll probably only do a box or two a day, and of course not do the essentials. But the kids can live with only a small box of toys and a couple of books. I certainly don't need all the mess in my room. I just did a good two week grocery shopping, but I think for hte next menu I'll make sure to use what's in my freezer and cabinets. I need to go through the closets again too. And somehow, my sewing desk drawers are full again, even though I completely emptied them about 9 months ago. What gives? All else fails, it'll be nice to have less to clean, though it will look pretty bare around here with the book shelves and drawers all half empty!

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