Wednesday, July 11, 2007

9 things

9 Random Things Going on in My House

1. My 4yo spelled his first word today. He drew a picture of a house and wrote "Hos" on it. Then he wrote "rvof" on the roof. When I seemed confused about the r and v he erased the r and decided it was in fact pronounced "voof"

2. I spent almost 2 hours tonight looking at sites trying to figure out how I'm goign to teach said 4yo how to read. He knows all his letter sounds (consanants and short vowels) but can't figure out how to blend them together. While I'm finding lots of usefull phonics things, HOW to actually teach blending is not so obvious. I think I mainly have to wait for it to click, but will find fun ways to practice in the meantime

3. School supplies are on sale!! I was surprised to see them on sale already, it's only July after all, but still excited. I love this time of year. I need to stock up on notebooks, crayons, glue, markers, pencils, etc., etc., etc.

4. My pumpkin plants are flowering. We'll have actual pumpkins growing soon!! Unfortunatly when I tried to move them outside they wilted in the heat, so I guess I'll be growing pumpkins inside?

5. I've been up since 5am, it's now past 9pm (my normal bedtime) and I'm not really all that tired. Amazing.

6. I only have to come up with 3 more random things, this should be easy, right?

7. Perhaps I should give up and just stop at 7? Nah. I'm not a quitter!

8. Maybe I am getting tired after all. I'll probably head to bed shortly after posting this.

9. I made it to 9 random things. That wasn't so hard ;)

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