Monday, July 9, 2007

Messing with the layout

Don't mind me, just messing around with the layout. I kind of like how it is now, but wish the top pic were a bit smaller. Don't feel like taking the time to save it, change it, save it, upload it somewhere, etc etc though, so it'll probably stay the way it is. I actually did a search for free layouts, and found some other good ones, but for some reason when I copy and paste the code it doesn't want to work. With any of hte layouts, from any site. So I had to improvise by taking a header pic from a layout I liked and then just added it to basic blogger template that matched. It works for now until I feel up to messing around with it again.


Natural Mama said...

Been wondering where Ya been!! I like your new look! :) Take care and keep a'posting!

Lily said...

Not fair! LOL

No, really, looks good!