My first weekend as a natural housekeeper
I've been putting off practicing my natural housekeeping habits while DH is home, but this weekend (our weekend is thur/fri) I got lots of motivation Wed night. So all weekend I stayed on top of the dishes, swept the floors when they needed it, picked things up as I saw them, etc and today I have an almost clean house!! I'll need to wash bfast dishes here in a bit, the kids needs to pick up their room and I need to vacuum, but that won't take anytime at all. Usually I spend ALL day cleaning on Sat to make up for hte weekend. I'm so excited!
Oh, and while I'm blogging, I'll tell you I got my dryer fixed to. We've had the belt sitting on the counter for well over a week now, but DH hasn't gotten around to putting it on. When, Wed morning, I had a load of laundry sitting the washer that had been there since the night before, and it was raining, and was supposed to rain all day. I NEEDED to get those clothes dry. So I asked DH to help me fix the dryer. I got the typical "later" which means "I'll forgot until it's too late to get it done today." So I pulled the dryer out as far as I could by myself and got to work. It was still all disconnected from when we discovered the broken belt. I got to work until I reached a point where I just wasn't strong enough, then I asked DH for help. He had been completely oblivous to what I was doing, so he was shocked to see me sitting in front of the dryer with it half taken apart, lol. But in less than half an hour we had it fixed :) There were at least two things I wasn't strong enough to do myself, so I was thankful to have my strong hubby to help me out :) I'm so proud of us though for saving hundreds of dollars and taking the chance to fix the dryer ourselves even though we had no idea what we were doing. The dryer is now working great and I'm still using my clothesline as I'm able, lol. Except now I don't have to put laundry off b/c it's raining, lol.