Monday, August 4, 2008

We're back from camping!

We had a wonderful time camping, but you'll have to forgive me, as my pregnant brain forgot the camara!! I was so upset when I realized it. I told DH his mission for the rest of his vacation is to take lots and lots of pics!!

We had a great time though. We got up there Thursday afternoon and found the perfect camping site on the river beach down this huuuuuge flight of stairs. So I took Canaan and Genesis down while DH and Asher made several trips. We got the tent set up, then took a little break for a swim. Afterwards DH decided that the sand would drive him crazy, so back up we went, with all our stuff!! We went further back into the park and found a new perfect camping spot that had a wonderfu, though steep, path down to the river from where are tent would be. So we completely set up camp there. About that time it was time for dinner and then it started to get dark so we headed for bed.

Friday morning the boys went down fishing after bfast while I cleaned up the camp a little bit. Then Genesis took a nap in the shade. Afterwards we headed down to the water for a little swim with the boys. We eventually headed back up for lunch, we all laid down in the shade for a rest, then we went to the playground at the front of the park. Came back, had dinner, and hung out around the fire until bed. Repeat something similiar to this on Sat.

We were undecided if we were going to come home Sunday or Monday and had actually decided to go wait until Monday, but then DH woke up Sunday morning with a really sore back from sleeping on the hard ground, so we decided we would pack up camp after lunch. Well, after breakfast the kids were restless so we went for a little road trip. We stopped at a park for a while so the kids could play, then just went driving around. Canaan and Genesis soon fell asleep so we just kept driving. Eventually we got hungry for lunch and stopped at a cute Mexican restaurant that was wonderful. Headed back to camp, packed up and came home.

All in all, it was a wonderful vacation and I wish we had stayed longer. I could do that for a week, easy. DH still has 5 days off of work, that's including today. Today he'll be helping a neighbor set up a huge pool that they got for free. He hopes they'll get it done today, they've been working on it for a while. Then we're supposed to go through yard sale stuff. This coming weekend is a huge yardsale that runs all down the highway that backs up to our backyard. So we're getting ready for that. Should be a fun week though! Hopefully I'll have some pictures to post before we're done ;)

1 comment:

Natural Mama said...

Sounds like a blast!!! I really, really want to go camping very soon.

Plz put some pix up soon as I have not seen your brood in some time!!