Thursday, August 7, 2008

Visit with the midwife

Ok, first off, we LOVE her. She's so great and we just really mesh well. That's always good news :) She was great with the kids and answered all our questions. She seems to have the perfect amount of fact based practices and instinct in her practice. Just over all great! Today was just a meet and greet, though we did hear the heartbeat b/c Asher wanted to. I have to go back next week to go over diet sheets and stuff like that. She recommended I go ahead and get on state Medicaid, just in case we need tests done. Otherwise we'll have to pay out of pocket. She wants me to get an RH antibody titer b/c I got my RhoGam shot a week late with Genesis. Most likely, it won't be an issue and I'll be fine, but it'll be nice to know. That way if I do have a few antibodies and things start to go wrong we'll have idea of where to look for why and we'll know if we need to be watching for signs for RH incompatibility. I"m also so excited b/c she does breech and twin births. My biggest fear is that I'll have another c-section b/c of something relatively minor like breech or twins, but now I don't have to worry about that. In fact she was telling us about a birth she just did, primary vbac twins and the first baby was breech. So she had all 3 "big risk" things all in one birth. Isn't that awesome! She also is very supportive of our wanting a large family and was talking about all the things we can be doing now to help that happen and be healthy and such. She also said somethign about a repeat customer discount, so hopefully the next baby will be cheaper, lol. It was just really great and I'm so excited to have her as my primary "baby doctor"

1 comment:

Natural Mama said...

Sounds like a dream situation! So, is she at a birthing center or will she come to your house to deliver?

Congrats on finding a great midwife!