Saturday, August 9, 2008

Back to Real Life

Well, vacation is over. After several days of camping, followed by several days at home where we weren't actually at home much, it's time to go back to Real Life. Although technically today was our first day after vacation, I still didn't get much done b/c that "Longest Yardest Sale in the World" is this weekend. So I spent all day working that. I think so far we've made a whole $30-40, lol, but at least we're getting rid of a little bit of junk. And what's left I'm freecycling. I don't imagine we'll do much business tomorrow. Around here Friday and Saturday are the big yard sale days. Which I think is odd, but I regress. After working the yardsale all day I got to come home to a complete disaster, b/c what house isn't a disaster after vacation? So I got to spend the whole evening cleaning the house and getting kids to do their chores too. Yup, a fun-filled day, lol. And unfortunatly, we have no pictures, b/c the camara was misplaced. *sigh* The county fair is this week, so I'm praying I find it before Tuesday when we have a free family pass.

All day at the yard sale while I was sitting outside making a whole dollar or two an hour I worked on my cleaning routines and schedules and thinks of that sort. And to top things off, I just started Organized Thanksgiving. Have you heard of Organized Christmas? If not, you should Google it. The author takes all those crazy holiday chores and seperates them into weeks so you don't have to do squash it all in the end. Well we don't celebrate Christmas, but we want to do up Thanksgiving a bit more this year, with holiday baking and such, and then the kids all have thier bdays, so I still have all the present buying to do...So I took Organized Christmas and tweaked it so I'll have it all done by Thanksgiving, and then hopefully I'll only have to maintain until the baby is born. So I wrote out all my todo lists for that. Hopefully my house will be wonderfully clean and organized before I know it. yeah right...

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