Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Why don't more people homeschool?

I just don't understand it. I'm on a private message board for moms of kids who were born the same time Asher was born. Almost all of the kids are starting kindergarten this year. And I've already heard a whole bunch of complaining about lack of individual attention, kids who are goign to be bored, or behind, bad influences, somebody else having control of their kid and what they're learning or not learning, etc etc. So why don't these moms homeschool if they're so worried? "I would be bored" "I don't have the patience" "I simply have no desire to" Several of these same moms considered homeschooling for at least a bit, and yet, out of 30-40 moms, I am the single homeschooler. I don't understand. If you don't like what the schools have to offer, than don't take it! Get over yourself and what you want and do what's best for your kids!

Sorry if I offend anybody, but this just really bothers me. Why take the status-quo when you don't have to?

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