Sunday, August 24, 2008

Too hot

We had a window a/c for most of the summer, so we did fine, but it was just a borrowed one and the owner needed it back several weeks ago. Not a huge problem b/c they said the "heat wave" of the summer was over and we enjoyed temps in the mid 80s. Just my luck, the last week has been in the 90s and it's been HOT in here. We live in a single wide trailer (ie, big metal box) with no shade, so it warms up pretty quick inside. I'd been doing alright, though on Wed none of the chores got done until after the sun went down, but yesterday and today were not good. Yesterday morning I managed to get all my chores done (DH works mornings on Sat/Sun), but then we had to walk down to my MIL's and back right around noon. Normally it isn't a problem for me, but being in the heat for last several days, walking, and then carrying Genesis part of the way was just too much. By the time DH got home from work in the afternoon I was done. Anytime I got up and walked around I started feeling a little dizzy and light-headed. I ended going down to DH's Gramma's house just down the street and cooled down in her a/c for a bit, but still had to take it easy the rest of the day. Which left DH in charge of dinner so we didn't exactly eat well. Heat, lack of protein at dinner yesterday and pregnancy resulted in a cranky Mommy this morning with a headache. So I've spent all day today sitting in front of the fan, with my feet up, drinking lots of water. Yesterday, the forecast for today was 92, then morning it said 88 which made me hopeful. Yeah right, that's why it's 93 right now.

Luckily, it really IS supposed to cool tomorrow and get us back into the mid 80s with nights in the low 60s. I should be fine after today. HOpefully. Now to figure out how to convince DH to cook a NUTRITIOUS meal for dinner without sounding naggy and ungrateful...

1 comment:

Natural Mama said...

Megan, you should come visit this week. We have had temps in the 60s and 70s thanks to Tropical Storm Fay!! It has been soooo nice and cool. I dread when it is over. We haven't ever been without an A/C but up until mid July, we had a small unit that had to cool several rooms--the days I would use my oven would be unbearable!! Wonder if someone would have a free a/c listed on freecycle? I hate the thought of you all burnin' up!!

I guess all the babies are in just their dipes, huh? :o)