Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back from a long day at the drs.

So today started out with me feeling like I overreacted, and ended with few answers and again thinking I waited too long. We got to the ER at about 11, they got us in pretty quickly and hte ER dr declared I definitely do not have mastoiditis, but my ear drum was opaque and my Eustachian (sp?) tube was probably full, so he set me up an appt with the Ear, Nose Throat dr for early afternoon. We had lunch and headed to the ENT, they tested my hearing, checked things out and the ENT declared I have a pretty bad middle ear infection and suggested I get a tube put in since it's been this way for over 2 months. He could do it right in the office, would only take 5 minutes, a little discomfort and no harm to the baby, so we decided to do it. A few minutes into the procedure I hear "hmmm..." and then "wow, your ear is so swollen from infection you have no middle ear space. It's obliterated. No place to put the tube." At which point he left the room and called "The Ear Guru" for a consult. THey decide I need a CT scan b/c I could have something much bigger and nastier than just a middle ear infection (like mastoiditis). He then tried again to put the tube in my ear. After half an hour, I was in tears from pain and he still couldn't get the tube in, so he gave up. From there we headed to the radiology for the CT. The radiologist did not want to the CT on a pregnant woman, then he talked to the Dr and decided that it really was important enough that it was worth the risks (though, of course, it was ultimately my decision and DH and I decided to let God worry about the baby and take the Drs advice). So we should know more on Monday when the results come back from that and either way I have a follow-up on Thurs with the ENT. Oh, and I'm on oral antibiotics for at least 2wks.

Please pray with us that the baby was not harmed by the CT scan, that the results from that come back clear and that the antibiotics take care of everything.

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