Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Well, that was fun

Sunday afternoon Ike went through our area. Thankfully, it didn't storm badly, or even have any rain, but we had horribly high winds. Like gusts up to 75mph. It took down a ton of trees, including one in our back yard that just missed the house. If it had fell at a different angle, it would have taken out our bedroom, where Genesis was napping at the time!! Of course downed trees, means downed power lines. So we've been without power from about 1:30pm Sunday, until just a little bit ago, 7pm on Tues!! Of course everythign in our fridge and freezer was tossed. Today at the fire house (and maybe tomorrow) they were giving away free meals and water. Our county actually declared a state of emergancy. I've heard though that that means we'll get money to replace the food we lost. I hope so, b/c we sure can't afford to replace it all. I am disappointed though, b/c it wasn't all just food you buy from the store. I had a whole bunch of homemade chicken stock in there, pie crusts that I make in bulk, refried beans I had made, etc. I'm working on a grocery list so we can go shopping on Thur on Dh's day off. We'll also be going to see the mw that day. She was goign to come out here on Mon, b/c she was between offices, but seeing as we had no power and she had 3 downed trees at her house, we cancelled, lol. Oh, but her new office is closer, so that will save us some gas. All in all, no power wasn't that bad. If it werent' for the fridge and stove, oh, and water heater, I wouldn't have minded really at all. I was pretty bored last night though while DH was at work and the kids were in bed and it was dark outside!

1 comment:

Natural Mama said...

Oh no! That was a nasty storm, wasn't it? Sorry for your food loss--we had to do the same thing after Hurricane Ivan..except we were staying with my in law's and it was a few days before we could actually get to our house. The smell was really, really bad! Ick!

Well, glad you and your family are ok and I pray you can get your food replaced. Take care!!