Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Update on my ear

Sorry to keep you hanging. Over hte weekend my a/c adapter to the computer went out. The a/c adapter we just bought less than 2 months ago. *sigh* Luckily it had a 90day warrenty, so they sent us a new one. I couldn't get through to tech support until yesterday and they told me it would be Thur/Fri before the adapter came, so I was happy when it came today! But on to the update.

Talked ot the ENT dr yesterday and he said I definatly have mastoiditis. The good news though is that it doesn't have any of the aggressive features, like bone density loss, abcess, brain abcess (!!), etc, so there is no need for IV antibiotics or surgery or anything. It will need long term antibiotics though, like a month or more! He said after seeing the the inside of me ear though that this was the best possible outcome we could have hoped for. I'm not looking forward to a month of antibiotics and how that's goign to effect my body chemistry, but it could definately be worse. I also feel better about having done the CT scan. I was starting to worry that I had put the baby at unnecessary risk, but I now know for sure that it was necassary. And I feel vindicated and want to give a big "haha" to the ER dr, who said there was "no way possible" it was mastoiditis. So all in all, I'm fairly pleased with the report. Sure it would be better to not have any problems at all, but all things considered, I'm pretty happy with the diagnosis.

1 comment:

Natural Mama said...

Whew, I'm glad you are getting some answers! Yeah, the ER dr are so used to ppl coming in with false pain to get meds and such that they treat everyone as if they don't know what they are talking about! Emory went for a rash one time and the dr said he was allergic to Motrin! Hello, I give him Motrin all the time (well, yk what I mean) and he had never broken out. Later we found out that he had been bitten by lots of fire ants on his hands and he had reacted to those ! Made me so aggravated that they just 'stuck' a diagnosis on him. Anyway! Sorry for the antibiotics--I hate taken them too and haven't for the past couple of times that I needed them. Ugh. Maybe you can take some probiotics to counteract the antibiotics...Have you tried any garlic remedies for your ear? Maybe you can google it or look on welltellme.com. Thanks for the update! I was skeered for ya. :o)