Monday, September 1, 2008

The start of potty training

Quite by accident, I've started to potty-train Genesis. Especially during morning sickness, it was not unusual for her to be running around without a diaper on, and still occasionally now when we've had a rough day, she can be seen running around the house naked. Which lead to her disliking the feel of a wet or dirty diaper. As soon as she wakes up in the morning she takes her diaper off so a dry one can be put on and the same continues throughout the day. Unfortunatly for me, she also takes poopy diapers off without my knowledge. Anyways, a few days ago she was running around naked when she started to poop. She ran to her little potty and finished up there. YAY GENESIS!!! Yesterday she took her diaper off BEFORE she went poop, and went on the potty. And now this evening, she had a few minutes to run around naked before I put her night-time diaper on her, and she peed in the potty! I'm so excited. Do you think there's any chance she'll train quick and will be out of diapers before the baby is born? Probably not, but I can dream can't I?

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